Wednesday 10 March 2010

[UPDATE] on Chile´s Earthquake Important Notification

Chile´s Earthquake Important Notification

Cascada & EcoCamp teams want to say THANKS to all our past travelers and business partners who have contacted us with supporting words. For those who asked us on how to send donations to help alleviating suffering in the earthquake affected zones these links can help:
- Chilean Red Cross: Taking care of the victims and assisting the Chilean health system in the area.
- Un Techo para Chile: Local organization focused on building semi-permanent shelters for those who lost their homes.
If these pages do not open properly please be patient and try later as many people are trying to donate.


- Wed, March 10, 9:00 AM Lan has declared yesterday that all flights are now operating normally

- Mon, March 8, 12:00 PM The Chilean National Aeronautical Authority announced Santiago International Airport operations has reached a 70% of its operational capacity and recovering works continue as planned.

Earthquake in Chile: 75% of Chilean Territory Untouched, download the PDF

- Fri, Mar 5, 11:45 AM Cascada and Ecocamp Patagonia operations are running smoothly and only few cancellations were made this week, mainly due to Santiago's International Airports issues. We expect that flight traffic through Santiago City -which is improving daily- will reach a normal level early next week as the Airport's International terminal will be reopened by Monday. More details at (Spanish only):

- Thu, March 4, 12:30 PM Lan informs that has reached 45% of its operational capacity in Santiago´s airport.

- Wed, March 3, 12:30 PM Lan is updating regularly its website with information on international & national departures/arrivals from Santiago. See at the bottom) for detailed information on those flights.

- Wed, March 3, 12:10 PM The chilean air authority announces that what use to be the "national departure area" at the airport has been partially repaired and will now be used as international arrival/departure area. This measure will allow a higher quantity of flight operations.

- Tue, March 2, 4:20 PM The Chilean National Aeronautical Authority announced that large tented structures have already been erected at the Santiago International Airport to facilitate passenger transit, which allowed gaining 1 day to reinitiate normal operations.

- Tue, March 2, 3:20 PM Air connection problems in Santiago are improving and we are expecting normal aeronautical operations from next Monday 8 March.

- Tue, March 2, 12:20 PM Cascada Expediciones & EcoCamp Patagonia travel services are running normally and safe. Yesterday our trekking classic 7day Torres del Paine W Trek started as scheduled and so will do this Wednesday the 5day Short-W Trek and the 9day Torres del Paine Circuit.

- Tue, March 2, 11:00 AM Phone lines at our Santiago main office are now working normally.

- Mon, March 1, 10:00 PM Chilean air authority ( announces that national and international flights will restart this week. Phase 1 (March 3 to 5) will include national (8AM to 8PM) and international flights (8PM to 8AM). Phase 2, from March 5, will operate 24 hours.

- Mon, March 1, 09:30 PM Lan Chile announces new flight departures. Please visit:

- Mon, March 1, 3:40 PM , Phone lines in Santiago are having connection problems and our company lines will be off for at least 3 days from now while recovering works go on. Our Santiago office remains fully operational and we can be contacted through the following ways:

Mobile Lines
Traveler’s Info & Emergency line (Ana Karina): if calling from Chile: 09 9240 1383; if calling from abroad: +56 9 9240 1383
Operations line (Verónica Venegas): 09 9229 2471; if calling from abroad: +56 9 9229 2471
Booking & Sales line (Britta Jedzik): 9 9476 0330; if calling from abroad: +56 9 9476 0330

Internet Lines
Booking & Sales Skype accounts (for chat only)
Susana Mendoza (susana-cascada)
Carolina Palma (carolina-cascada)
Cecilia Rojas (ceciliarojas-cascada)
Fernanda Sanchez (fernanda-cascada)
Maike Berkemeier (maike-cascada)
Andrea Jiménez (andrea-cascada)
Isabel Menendez(isabel-cascada)
Virginia Jensen (virginia-cascada)
Britta Jedzik (britta-cascada)

- Mon, March 1 3:40 PM Lan Chile updates status of its flight operation to/from Santiago, Chile:

- Mon, March 1 1:00 PM Santiago´s airport closed. Only open for emergency flights. At 3PM local time authorities will review the situation.

Chile´s Earthquake Important Notification
On Feb 27th 2010, 03:34 hrs local time, the central zone of Chile was hit by a strong 8.8-Richter-level earthquake originated near Cauquenes Province in the Chilean 7th Region. Major zones affected are located in the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th regions and the Metropolitan Area of Santiago.

The 10th, 11th and 12th regions which comprise what is commonly known as the Chilean Patagonia, and the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th regions which comprise what is commonly known as Atacama and Norte Grande were not affected by the earthquake waves.

Having clarified this, we notify that all the operations and touristic services developed by Cascada Expediciones and EcoCamp Patagonia in the Altiplano, Atacama Desert, the Lakes District and Chilean Patagonia, including Torres del Paine NP and San Pedro de Atacama are totally normal and safe.  Regarding food, energy and general supplies for the Chilean Patagonia –our main operational zone- have no danger of shortages as these are normally brought from the Argentinean neighbor province of Santa Cruz.

The only point of interruption of our service operational chain is Santiago’s International Airport, which suffered significant damage in the passengers’ transit area having to stop all its operations while recovering works are going on. Recently the Chilean National Aeronautical Authority announced that this airport will start operating again on a partial basis starting from tomorrow Monday March 1st.  The same organism stated that apart from this Airport the entire nation’s aeronautical infrastructure is working normally and safely at full capacity.

The entire network of Cascada Expediciones and EcoCamp Patagonia employees and provider partners are working hard to keep our operations as successful, safe and normal as it have been previous to this natural phenomenon and we encourage all our past, current and future travelers to be confident with their travel plans and continue enjoying our services in Chile and Argentina.

For further information or requests please contact your Cascada’s travel consultant. We will keep updating the news as advances go on.

Saludos desde Chile,
The Cascada and EcoCamp Patagonia Team.

Posted via email from ecocamppatagonia's posterous

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