Thursday 11 February 2010

Read what our clients are saying about their expriences with us.

The trip was bigger and better than we had anticipated in all aspects.  Eco-Camp and our guides there were wonderful.  We were very snug in our little Hobbit domes with their comfortable double beds and wooden floor.  There is a chef at Eco-Camp!  Who knew!

We found Chile beautiful, the food excellent, and the Chilean people warm, friendly, and welcoming...

...You took very good care of us each step along the


Cactus Cook

Bellingham, WA

Posted via email from ecocamppatagonia's posterous

Friday 5 February 2010

Paragliding in Ecocamp Patagonia

With the Paine Peaks (Torres del Paine) as background, some firend went paragliding at the Ecocamp using our unique plateau for lift off.
Here some pictures!

Posted via email from ecocamppatagonia's posterous