Thursday 25 June 2009

Ecocamp Patagonia Suite Domes

Suite Domes are comfortable 28mt²/ 300 ft² tented igloo-type double domes built the same way as the ancient native Kaweskar’s dwellings. Its structure produces minimal environmental impact while providing an efficient thermal and wind resistant unit, with great exposure to nature in the most magnificent Patagonian setting.
Each dome has a private bathroom, comfortable double or twin beds, and it is heated by a modern low-emission wood stove. In addition, every dome has its own composting device to process waste. Electricity is generated with a micro hydro turbine and solar panels. Suite Domes

Ecocamp Patagonia is Family Friendly

Families are welcome at EcoCamp
We strongly believe that hiking is an activity that should be shared among all family members, creating a strong bonding through a healthy activity and opening youngster’s minds to some of nature´s most expressive manifestations on earth. We hike with our own families here and we invite you to do likewise. EcoCamp has two 16ft triple domes that can be adapted to fit a family group up to 6 members.

NBC: Let’s go glamping! Glamorous camping, that is

Here’s a guide to camping in comfort and style without busting your budget.

In icky economic times like these, many of us have this much in common:
  • No matter how cash-strapped we are, we still want to go on vacation.
  • We don’t want to spend a lot of dough on said vacation.

If this is sounding familiar to you, then why not go glamping this summer?

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